Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Me sleepy

I love a good comic. If you have a hard time reading that, you can also check it out here. Anyhow, I wanted to share that before I hit the hay early tonight. I decided to forego going out to the Gin Mill with the crew so I could spend a little time with the neglected kitties and get some much-needed sleep. It's so weird; I spent my weekend sleeping in my childhood bed, and for the first time in my life I didn't sleep well in it because it didn't feel like mine anymore. I wanted to be at "home." I missed Jazzie's snoring and Champ's cuddling and those wonderful navy curtains that keep the morning light out. Besides, I have to rest up for my big birthday weekend. Really I'm just commandeering my closest friends for as many hours of fun as possible. And since I only truly know a few people in Charlotte, and my closest work friends will pretty much all be working, any and everyone is invited. I think we're going to start out at Hoops & Dreams on the corner of 5th and Tryon to watch the last half of the Carolina homecoming game, have a few drinks and rounds of pool and then maybe check out some other places. Saturday is also the first home game for the Bobcats so several places are bound to be rowdy by late afternoon. Gotta live it up while I'm still young, right?


At 3:23 PM, Blogger TrĂ© said...

I had to look at that a few times before I realized what the guy was renting. That's a really good idea!

At 4:06 PM, Blogger This one time . . . said...

No kidding! I wish I'd thought of that.


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