Thursday, October 27, 2005

Trick or treat?

I hate when there's something you want so bad but there's nothing you can do about it but wait. I got home from work and saw that UPS had been by with my costume. Of course they left it in the office so I can't get ahold of it until tomorrow and it's driving me crazy! I'll probably barely sleep because I have so much to get done tomorrow. I'm ready for the weekend! (And I definitely rarely feel that way with all the stress work puts on me for those 2 days.)

Turns out uptown has all kinds of costume contests. I could have walked away with a lot of money if I'd come up with something really awesome and original. I'm going to spend the next year thinking about Halloween, hoping I can come up with something that will win me a grand at each of a few bars. Every hot spot is having a party Saturday. I called Tracey and told her we have to go to Uptown Cabaret by 1 a.m. Apparently they're having a "live" execution on stage at 1 and they'll also have midgets on stilts. Sounds like an interesting show to me! But man, I wish I'd had a camera when I told a couple of the guys at work that I wanted to go there. They tripped me out. One of them was like, "when did it become cool for girls to go to strip clubs?" I was like, "when midget started walking on stilts!" I think they have a really hard time figuring me out, then again -- I am one of a kind!

The one interesting thing about working this weekend will be seeing all the tricks and treats stories. The "scares" have already begun. Check out this story about a suicide mistaken for a Halloween prank. Very creepy.


At 2:14 PM, Blogger Tré said...

Did you get the costume yet? I want to see it!

At 3:20 PM, Blogger This one time . . . said...

I got it, it's actually in my car. I can show ya tonight when I'm doing your (aaargh!)makeup. (If I can control myself around that amazing cologne. Haha.)

At 5:01 PM, Blogger Tré said...

LOL Okay ;)


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