Thursday, October 20, 2005

To go or not to go, that is the question

My uncle called me tonight and told me that he might be able to get me a ticket to the Rolling Stones concert tomorrow -- complete with backstage pass. Now I face a great dilemma. Should he be able to get me one of the killer tickets, do I find a way to weasel out of Friday Night Fever at work? I know Kyle needs my help and all, but I think he'd understand. But how do I tell my boss I want to skip out early to meet Mick Jagger? It seems so unprofessional, but come on -- the guy is a rock and roll legend! And I'd get to see the brand new arena. Maybe I can find a way to figure work into the equation. I could write a first hand account of the landmark event; I wonder if anyone would read that. I don't know what to do!

On to the other thing that's bugging me -- I want a haircut! Anyone have a ruler, cause I need at least 10 inches that can be cut off for Locks of Love. I could really use my hair shorter for the winter months so it will dry faster. I saw a kid in the paper today who got hers cut and a foot didn't seem to be that drastic, but I don't have a ruler and when I guesstimate it seems like I'll end up with barely any hair left. Oh well, if I can just hang in there I'll have a few more inches by the end of winter. Argh, I have no patience.


At 7:07 AM, Blogger TrĂ© said...

No, don't chop it off!

At 2:25 PM, Blogger This one time . . . said...

I won't any time soon. I just need a trim very badly. But at some point, I want to do something good for society and donate my hair to the poor cancer patients. I'm too big of a wuss to give blood and I don't have any money to spare, but I have plenty of hair!


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