Monday, October 10, 2005

Thinking about Christmas already?!?

Either I've lost my mind or boredom is starting to go to my head. I think my cats would vote for the former. Tonight I tried to start teaching Champ a trick. I figured since he jumps like he's going to catch the newspaper when I throw it in the door each morning, that maybe he could learn to catch a treat in his mouth. On the one hand he was pretty pleased that I gave him a whole handful of treats. On the other hand, he looked at me like I had completely gone nuts when I was throwing them in the air so that they landed right on his head. I thought maybe we could work our way up to the handstands, but maybe not so much.

However, boredom did give me a really great idea today. I was thinking about how much I want a Christmas tree this year because I might not even get to go home for Christmas Eve or Christmas. So I was thinking about finding Christmas ornaments and Jazzie's shiny little bootchy ball caught my eye. I thought: that would make a pretty little ornament. Suddenly it occurred to me that I bought a whole bunch of cat toys right after Christmas last year because they were on clearance. In fact, a Santa and Christmas tree toy are still hanging on the cat tree. If I just take those toys and hang them on the lower branches with red string, then I'll have instant ornaments and if the cats steal them and tear them up, it's ok because they are cat toys! Sometimes I'm so proud of myself :).

Anyhow, I'm really glad the weekend is finally here for me. I got a really rude email from some guy blasting my work on Friday. I accidentally wrote "dropper" instead of "dropped" in the sentence, "She dropped the gun and it fired." Of course Word didn't mark it because it wasn't technically spelled wrong, and I had to read the sentence three times in his email just to figure out what was wrong with it. I mean, come on dude, give me a break! It's a psychological principle; you don't read the whole sentence anyway, your eyes see the first few letters in the context and infers the rest. He said our writers must not be college grads, he accused us of being unprofessional and claimed we frequently used bad grammar and spelled things wrong. The irony is, he spelled a compound word incorrectly in the email. I wanted to write the asshole back and tell him he's not perfect either, but for the sake of my job I held my tongue (or fingers, as the case may be) and just got my feelings hurt. The guys at work tried to make me feel better. One of them said he read it 10 times before he could figure out what part of the sentence the guy was complaining about. They also agreed that we rarely spell anything wrong or use improper grammar -- it's this jerk-off that must be confused because he doesn't know or understand AP style. Sometimes it dictates you write things a certain way that sound odd to the average ear, but are actually correct grammar. Blah. I'm going to bed.


At 9:48 PM, Blogger TrĂ© said...

Anyone that would write in just to complain about that sounds like a loser with way too much time on their hands. Don't sweat it Lindsay!


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