Friday, September 30, 2005

Another day, another dollar

Wow, I waited month's for that premiere and now I'm depressed. You can't kill a main character in the first episode! I mean really, poor Sydney Bristow, she loses two fiances in season premieres five years apart. I don't care how crazy it is, I cried for the girl. I may be unlucky in love, but at least all the guys I fall for don't end up getting killed! (Then again I'm also not a black ops division CIA agent.) My only hope is that, the show being what it is, Vaughn's death was staged, but with the rumors of Michael Vartan planning to leave, I highly doubt that.

Alright, enough of boring you all with my "Alias" talk. I finally have an insane cat story that does not involve my critters. My cousin's little boy heard an owl outside and he kept asking her if he could see it. She told him it was probably hidden and he wouldn't be able to find it so he should just go to bed. A little while later while she was in her bedroom she looked out the window and saw one of her young cats up in the air. She thought to herself, "Man that cat is jumping really high." A second later she realized it was in the owl's beak! The owl dropped it, then swooped down to pick it up again and started to carry it away. She went running outside screaming until the owl dropped it again and she brought the little kitty inside. I would have had to kill that bird, and usually I love all animals.

Anyhow, anyone ever notice how much red tape comes with being an adult? Everything requires a letter in the mail that asks for a timely response. Quit wasting my postage and my time people! I have better things to do than straighten out all the paperwork that gets screwed up -- like play with my DVR and fish Jazzie's bootchy ball out from under the stove. I know, my life is sad. Usually work keeps me busy for eight hours straight. My mind gets a good workout and I come home ready to veg. Today, however, work was pretty slow, nothing interesting was happening, which sucks for me, but is great for the general public considering on Wed. a half dozen people were shot or beaten within an inch of their lives. The great sick thing about the news business is that it's ok to get all hyped up about death and destruction. That's what gets us 4 million page views a month!


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