Friday, September 23, 2005

Puppy pics and the news biz

Who doesn't love cute puppy pictures? I thought maybe today I'd share my puppy fever, which I must say is way better than baby fever. I think I just look at puppy pictures online to entertain myself and keep away from all the negativity the news tends to infuse me with. I mean really, some Mexican killed his roommate and then cut him into pieces and threw the pieces out in the woods this week. The cops just happened to come by and caught the guy with just a torso in the mobile home. I think it's time for another puppy picture!

Anyway, so lovely Rita is on her way to the Gulf Coast and I'll be stuck working all by myself when all hell breaks loose. I very well might loose my mind between trying to keep the web constantly updated and watching the gas prices skyrocket. If gas prices reach $5, I swear I'm going to take a sleeping bag to work. I can walk next door to the Y to take showers and spend my evenings at the Morehead Tavern, our other next door neighbor. I've got digital cable with a DVR at my desk and I'd only need to come home to feed the cats every few days. Ok, I've obviously put way too much thought into that.

Anyway, I don't have much to say tonight, "American Dad" is distracting me even though it's not nearly as good as "Family Guy." New "Family Guy" next, woo hoo!


At 11:05 AM, Blogger Cptn S.A. Ho said...

DVR & a bar next door? i don't know why you leave now!


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