Saturday, September 17, 2005

No user error here

Yeah, so blogspot is having issues with photos today so I guess I'll keep this short. Today wasn't terribly exciting or thought-provoking anyway. My work buddy Kyle and I ranted about what the world is coming to that so many of our friends are in a rush to get married while other ones are getting divorced and Hollywood is making the whole concept of commitment a joke. But on the plus side, Brad Pitt and Kenny Chesney are now up for grabs!

The funny thing is, as much as I bitch about the marriage-mongers out there, I'm pretty happy in my own little apartment with my cats. I'd like to have someone to watch movies with and a built-in bar buddy, but give me a glass of eiswein and a set of clean sheets with my snuggle buddies and it's all good. I don't need all the bullshit. I spent all of last year thinking that maybe if I had someone I'd be happy, but in reality I was just stressed out and miserable in my job and looking for something to take my mind off of it. Now that I get to leave work at work, I feel like a whole new person. I miss a lot of the really nice people I met in the Raleigh area, but I certainly don't miss having to pop anxiety pills on a Saturday because I'm dreading Monday so much I can barely breathe. Because I liked the people and I wanted to be a writer, I lied to myself and said that I liked my job, but it wasn't true. I was working for the most poorly managed company for 100 miles. The place was like Office Space: follow the procedure with your TPS reports, fill out an evaluation of what you are contributing to the company, watch analysts tell the managers how to make the employees work harder while cutting benefits and adding more red tape to the operations. I'm finally free to say that my boss was one of the biggest idiots I have ever met, and I've met a lot of idiots. Ok, I could go on about that shit forever and I've already gone on longer than I planned. Later peeps.


At 12:23 PM, Blogger Cptn S.A. Ho said...

You hated your old job? I had no idea....


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