Sunday, September 18, 2005

It's the idiots that keep us in business

So you hear some pretty strange things working in a major news station. I've heard cops on the scanner talking about an SUV that rolled over, landed on its wheels and the driver just kept on driving. I heard about a teen that called 911 and said he'd been shot, but he was lying. Just the other day a 19-year-old decided to put a lighter to a black powder substance clearly marked "Flammable -- do not expose to flame." Surprise, surprise -- there was a big flash and now the kid has third-degree burns over most of his body. It seems most people are insane or stupid! Then today some lady emails us to tell us that she picked up a prescription at CVS and when she was driving home she took two pills for her migraine and started feeling funny. She looked down and discovered they’d given her the wrong prescription and ended up going to the emergency room. I really wanted to write back and tell her she’s a dumbass for taking two pills without ever looking at the bottle or the pills. But yesterday beat all. We got like a dozen calls about a giant muffin falling off a billboard and landing on a car. All I can say is, that's some damn good advertising and people are idiots.

Anyway, so I rarely pass up the opportunity to go out for a few drinks, but I'm just not feeling it tonight. It's already past 10, it would take me 20 minutes to get uptown and I'd need to turn around and leave in 2 hours to get home and get to bed so I can get my ass up for work tomorrow. Plus I'm in a bad mood since I got roped into working Monday so that my coworker can play golf with the boss. I don't enjoy being inconvenienced so someone else can get payed to have a good time while I work. It's tough being the new kid. I have to work every weekend, and during HS football season I can only take Wednesdays or Thursdays off. The rest of the year I at least get the choice of taking a Friday. I never have even the option of a free weekend to visit with friends or go to a game. I might not have appreciated having weekends before, but like they say, you don't know what you've got till it's gone. Cliches become cliches because they are so damn true. Except maybe "dead as a doornail," I don't know where that came from.


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