Wednesday, September 06, 2006

I'll update soon, I swear!

You never really realize how busy you are until you look at a calendar and can't imagine where the year went. Part of that may be a complication from dating my neighbor. When you live so close together it's way too easy to spend all your time together and get nothing else done. My ironing board has been sitting in my living room for two weeks and now it's time to do laundry all over again.

Anyhow, just wanted to pass on something I found amusing. While Eric and I were in Charleston for the holiday weekend we went to meet Maribeth in Folly Beach. She took us out to eat with one of her boy toys and I found this lawyer's office with a shark head mounted above it. I thought to myself, "That's an interesting metaphor if ever I saw one." I'm sure my dad would do the same thing if his practice was at the beach. Hope you guys enjoy the picture, and pretty soon I'll give a more thorough account of my recent activities.


At 8:47 AM, Blogger Adam Butler said...

Your neighbor? Who is this guy? Your readers want pics.

At 3:14 PM, Blogger Cptn S.A. Ho said...

Thanks for updatin... now get to it on a regular basis!! All of your internet stalkers need more!


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