Monday, August 14, 2006


Life is keeping me crazy busy, but I wanted to post a pic of my new pup. I kinda feel bad; he's getting the third-child shaft. I've barely taken four photos of him when I have hundreds of the cats! But he's a doll and he's helped me get to know my neighbors, which has been a real blessing. I don't feel quite so isolated when I know they are just feet away, ready to entertain or help out. I might actually start to cook once in a while now that I know the food won't go to waste! Tonight the boys cooked spaghetti; all I had to contribute was a bigger bowl for the salad and a second cookie sheet for the garlic bread. I even had help carrying in the groceries and carrying out the trash for a change. Of course my alcohol consumption has also increased three fold and the cats are getting a little neglected because I'm never in the apartment anymore, but I'm sure as the weather cools we'll be hanging indoors more often -- not that that will help with the drinking. I've had more beer and wine this month than I normally drink in a year's time. But hey, if that's what it takes to get me through this job and the day, then so be it!

Hopefully soon I'll get some cute shots of Teddy, I just have to figure out how to get him to sit still. For now, I better hit the hay. He'll be getting me up around 6:30 and then the neighbors will keep me outta my place until 11 tomorrow night. Hope all is well my loyal blog readers!


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