Friday, December 23, 2005

Not exactly holiday thoughts

I know it's been a while since I updated, but I've been busy, and of course slightly bitter. But I think I'm getting over my irritation at having to work the holiday now that it's finally here. I can't dread it anymore; I just have to live through it.

So as I watch Call Me Claus I realize I am far too obsessed with Alias. I wanted to watch a Christmas movie and settled on this one only because Victor Garber (a.k.a. Jack Bristow) is in it. Just as I've watched several Lena Olin movies just to see mommy-spy, now I'm doing it to see daddy-spy. (Legally Blonde is the exception; it totally creeps me out to see him as a sexually-harassing jerk.) I'm also really excited to see Catch and Release in April. I can't help myself, I just love Jennifer Garner.

Anywho, I was seriously contemplating a career change this evening. I feel like I'm not helping anyone or anything with what I do. I'm not making the world a better place. I was watching 20/20 and it had a segment on the Hurricane Katrina animals and I cried. I don't have any money or skills to help. Now if I had become a veterinarian, I could help. Then I could also help the two kittens I've been feeding at Moe's. I'd have somewhere to keep them safe, a way to care for them medically and a chance to find them homes. Right now all I can do is feed them and hope one of the six rescue organizations I contacted will get back to me. The last thing I want to do is call animal control and have those sweet little tabbies get euthanized. They would make great pets if someone would just give them a home.

For some reason I have taken it upon myself to find them homes, I guess because I realize no one else will take the initiative to do it. I'm asking everyone I know if they know anyone who wants a pair of kittens. So far no takers, obviously. It's even keeping me awake at night because I know in a few months they'll begin breeding more homeless kittens.

Ok, enough of the rant, those babies have just been weighing on my mind. My point was, I thought I should go back to school and become a veterinarian. Then I realized I would hate -- absolutely hate -- having to cut animals open. I didn't like cutting open a cold, dead fetal pig in high school, I wouldn't be able to stomach cutting open a warm, soft, living cat.

So I guess that job is out of the question. I just wish Santa would bring me a little hope for Christmas. I need to believe I'll find those kitties homes and I need to believe I'm going to make a difference in this world, somehow.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

My greatest fear

I'm afraid this is what is going to happen to me when I get old:

Guilty plea from 'cat lady'
Associated Press writer

FAIRFAX, Va. -- Ruth Knueven once had close to 500 cats. On Wednesday, she promised a judge she would never own another one.

Knueven, 83, was arrested in July after hundreds of cats were found in her home. She pleaded guilty Wednesday to one count of animal cruelty in Fairfax County General District Court. As part of a plea agreement, prosecutors dismissed several other counts, and Knueven must continue getting treatment for her hoarding problem.

Judge Donald P. McDonough fined her $2,500, suspending all but $500. He also gave her a 360 day suspended jail sentence, put her on probation for one year. Knueven was barred from owning any animals.

Before sentencing, attorney Jonathan Frieden said Knueven's stray cat problem developed some time ago when she started taking them in to protect them from the dangers of the streets.

"She loved these animals and thought they needed her," he said.

Fairfax County Animal Control Officer E.W. Powell testified that he found the cats after neighbors complained of a strong odor of urine. He said Knueven initially cooperated by turning over six cats, but prevented him from entering.

When Powell learned of her history of hoarding, he returned and found about 40 cats in the foyer. He said the house was in disarray and smelled of feces. Health officials declared it unfit for human habitation.

Powell's investigation led him to a townhouse in Burke owned by Knueven's daughter.

"She was also hiding cats from us," Powell said. He testified that 493 cats were found in the two homes -- 272 alive, the rest dead.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Happy holidays?

I hugged both my Christmas trees today. My cats are indeed mini trees. In fact, I'm getting tired of having a real tree because the kitties are dragging pine needles everywhere. They're even in my bed! I tried to brush my little devils this afternoon but it wasn't worth the effort.

Anywho, so I just watched Nip/Tuck. It's amazing how I thought the show was so disturbing during season 1, and here it is, the end of season 3, and it has only gotten progressively more grotesque. It's like a car wreck though, I have to watch! Next week we get to find out who the Carver is and I can't wait. That was a great story line but they couldn't seem to fit it in to most of the episodes so it's time to put it to rest. I was really hoping it would be Kimber but they ruled that out a few episodes ago. I've heard it's supposed to be someone who has been on the show since season 1, so that rules out Quentin, but I don't think it's Liz, the anesthesiologist, either. Guess I'll just have to wait and see.

I can't believe Christmas is in less than two weeks. As the day draws nearer I'm getting gradually more bitter about having to work the holidays. I only get to spend an hour at the company holiday party Friday before heading to work, then I'm working Christmas Eve, Christmas, probably the day after Christmas and then New Year's Eve and New Year's. I only get to see two of my siblings during the holidays and this year I'm stuck working. I'm not even sure which days during the next few weeks I'll be off. I'd like a few days off in a row so I can go skiing with my sister and maybe get some upkeep done on my car. Oh well, at least I'm getting paid extra for working the holidays -- that'll make for a happy January. Hopefully next year I won't still be the new kid and I'll get the good holidays off.

Thursday, December 08, 2005


It's just been one of those days. Most irritatingly, my paycheck was $45 short because I had to work Mon. for Kyle and take Wed. off. Well the stupid electronic timeclock took money off my check for "leave without pay" from Wed. What a load of crap! And now I have to wait for the mistake to be corrected, which could take weeks to get straightened out. Also, I was supposed to make extra this check because I had a quarter-hour of overtime and you get 50 cents an hour extra for second shift, which is what I worked Mon. Anyhow, it's not the actual amount that has me so upset, it's the fact that I busted my ass six days in a row and this is what I get for it! To everyone else "it's just a Monday, what's the difference between having Mon. and Wed. off?" Well to me that's my Saturday and I want to have it free!

Second, I screwed up the sign-in, sign-out and jipped myself a quarter hour of pay when I was only 2 minutes short of a 9-hour shift. (Stupid lunch hour is automatically deducted.) Aaaarrgh!

On a lighter note, I saw the best commercial of the holiday season last night. It's for the Red Door, an adult store in Charlotte. They had this chic dressed up as Santa and a girl sat on her lap and said, "I want a new boyfriend for Christmas." Miss Santa said, "No, you need a Rabbit!," then smacked her on the butt and sent her to the Red Door. I really wish they had that one on their site!

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

WWE and Deeper Thoughts

I had to work for Kyle today so he could go to a WWE taping -- the second one in two days. Obsess much? I've never even seen Rob Thomas twice in a year! It's strange, a lot of the guys at work are into watching wrestling. They even have a fantasy league. They have to endure a lot of crap from me though because I'm the only one who knows enough about it to really give them a hard time.

Today I told one of the guys he should go with Kyle and Mike and whoever else when WWE comes to Charlotte and wear the Batman costume he wore to the Halloween party. He looked at me like I had entirely lost my mind. There was reason behind the comment! I told him that if he went as a superhero he could freak out the wrestlers; they would either play along and be in awe that he's a superhero, or think he's crazy and be scared of him. He said,"Do you want me to get beat up?" Guess I hadn't quite considered that. I thought it was a pretty funny idea, maybe I'm just weird like that.

Ok, I just finished six days of hard work and my mind is kinda fried, so since I haven't written much lately and I'm not sure when I'll have something entertaining to say again, I'm going to leave you with a few of Jack Handy's Deeper Thoughts:

I bet the main reason the police keep people away from a plane crash is they don't want anybody walking in and lying down in the crash stuff, then, when somebody comes up, act like they just woke up and go, "What was THAT?!"

Ambition is like a frog sitting on a Venus Flytrap. The flytrap can bite and bite, but it won't bother the frog because it only has little tiny plant teeth. But some other stuff could happen and it could be like ambition.

To me, clowns aren't funny. In fact, they're kind of scary. I've wondered where this started and I think it goes back to the time I went to the circus, and a clown killed my dad.

If you ever fall off the Sears Tower, just go real limp, because maybe you'll look like a dummy and people will try to catch you because, hey, free dummy.

Anytime I see something screech across a room and latch onto someones neck, and the guy screams and tries to get it off, I have to laugh, because what is that thing.

We used to laugh at Grandpa when he'd head off and go fishing. But we wouldn't be laughing that evening when he'd come back with some whore he picked up in town.

I wish outer space guys would conquer the Earth and make people their pets, because I'd like to have one of those little beds with my name on it.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Welcome baby Violet!

As many of you probably already know, Jennifer Garner had her baby this evening. Despite my distaste for her hubby, I'm ecstatic for her. The name isn't terrible -- I wouldn't pick Violet, but it's better than most celebrity baby names. I bet the little booger is adorable -- and huge! J. Gar has looked like she was about to pop for months!

I'm back on a huge "Alias" kick after my cute co-worker lent me season 2 on DVD. I hadn't seen about 8 episodes from that season and I had forgotten how exciting it was to see a good new episode; then last night I popped in the DVDs and couldn't stop watching! I stayed up way too late and overslept my alarm this morning. Luckily I still made it to work on time, which kept my boss in a good enough mood to spend about 20 minutes discussing "Lost" with me. I love working for a Time Warner station, everyone watches too much TV!

I'm off to watch Oprah's first appearance on Dave Letterman in 16 years. Later gators!