Thursday, December 08, 2005


It's just been one of those days. Most irritatingly, my paycheck was $45 short because I had to work Mon. for Kyle and take Wed. off. Well the stupid electronic timeclock took money off my check for "leave without pay" from Wed. What a load of crap! And now I have to wait for the mistake to be corrected, which could take weeks to get straightened out. Also, I was supposed to make extra this check because I had a quarter-hour of overtime and you get 50 cents an hour extra for second shift, which is what I worked Mon. Anyhow, it's not the actual amount that has me so upset, it's the fact that I busted my ass six days in a row and this is what I get for it! To everyone else "it's just a Monday, what's the difference between having Mon. and Wed. off?" Well to me that's my Saturday and I want to have it free!

Second, I screwed up the sign-in, sign-out and jipped myself a quarter hour of pay when I was only 2 minutes short of a 9-hour shift. (Stupid lunch hour is automatically deducted.) Aaaarrgh!

On a lighter note, I saw the best commercial of the holiday season last night. It's for the Red Door, an adult store in Charlotte. They had this chic dressed up as Santa and a girl sat on her lap and said, "I want a new boyfriend for Christmas." Miss Santa said, "No, you need a Rabbit!," then smacked her on the butt and sent her to the Red Door. I really wish they had that one on their site!


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