So drained . . .
The last two weeks have been the most emotionally draining days of my life. First I must mention that my brother Grant and Tracey got engaged on Christmas Eve, congrats guys! He wants to tell the world and was sorely disappointed when I didn't post something about it just a few days after the holiday. Of course I was in the midst of my bitterness over working the holidays. (Which, by the way, I'm still not completely over after I found out I DON'T get paid extra because they weren't "company-santioned holidays", a.k.a. they weren't on the company calendar because they were on weekends.)Anywho, so last week I drove back to G-vegas to do the Christmas catch-up with two of my high school buddies and on the way a rock flew up and put a chip in my windshield (*the second
So then, just before New Year's, I had a huge blow-out with my ex, who's still my friend but thinks he made a huge mistake breaking up with me nearly 4 years ago. Which has me thinking, what the hell am I really looking for? Weak-in-the-knees passion or companionship, caring and love that lasts a lifetime? I don't think I'm ready to give up on the former, but can the two ever be combined? I'm not sure anyone ever finds that. I already know life is no fairy tale, but I don't want to settle either. The older I get, the pickier I am and the more I want it all. Damn it all to hell.
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